HaSS Teaching Fellowship Event
Institutional Assessment: Policy & Practice
Monday 4th December - 12.30 - 2.30pm, Room 2.20, Research Beehive, Old Library
Assessment is one of the most powerful teaching tools and how it is used can significantly affected students' performance. As a result, a process of forming an institutional strategy for assessment or at least for monitoring assessment patterns within an institution can provide valuable insight into the students' learning experience. This event is part of a research project undertaken as part of a HaSS Teaching Fellowship. During the event participants would have the opportunity not only to discuss institutional assessment policies and their practicalities, but also use an analysis system that can help form such policies.
Lunch will be provided during the event. If you plan to attend, please contact Dr Papagiannidis (savvas.papagiannidis@ncl.ac.uk).