Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Research Network

The next generations of technological development driven by Artificial Intelligence (AI) are unlike anything we have seen before. Data is the fuel used to drive the developments in the Big Data era. Business leaders, policy makers and the public are only just beginning to grasp the unquenchable thirst algorithms have for data. Many human activities are already being tracked and traced using smart sensors, apps, mobile devices and wearable tech. As things we come into contact with become part of the internet of things, so our every move will generate more data about us, our behaviours, habits, preferences and displeasures.

Our interdisciplinary research network aims to make sense of this emerging phenomenon. We have organised a number of activities including research events and special issues as outlined in the timeline below. If you would like to join us please get in touch!

Research network activities

You may also want to check out IoT Pitchin supported webinar series, delivered by the IoT Meetup North: IoT Webinars.