The prominent role of data in information-driven organisations is sometimes summarised in the statement that 'data is the new oil' (e.g. The Economist, 2017). The analogy suggests that data is the fuel and lubricant of organisations 'big data is everywhere' (George et al., 2014, p.321). However, if oil is a finite resource, data is potentially reusable, enduring and infinitely available (Iqbal et al., 2018).
Data availability has increased exponentially in the last decade, paving the way for a new business environment (Fosso Wamba et al., 2015; Hou et al., 2018), innovative business models (Wang et al., 2018) and new challenges (Blazquez and Domenech, 2018). As this growth accelerates, a better understanding is needed of the opportunities that the new phenomenon offers - and of the innovation, ethical, social, privacy and security challenges it poses. "Big data" appears to give rise to organisational changes and new tensions for individuals, organisations and society that need to be addressed. Such tensions include the digital skills shortages, threats from cyber-attacks, requirements to embrace GDPR legislation and the use of Artificial Intelligence for forecasting and decision-making. Recent news items, such as Facebook's fines for breaking data protection laws, highlight the importance and topicality of these issues. This Special Issue will focus on how organisations from the private, public and third sectors are experiencing and responding to such tensions and challenges in the business environment, and the implications of these challenges for individuals, organisations and society.
We invite the submission of original manuscripts that advance empirical (quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods), theoretical and conceptual understanding of the changing use of data and its impact. Manuscripts must have strong implications for theory and practice. The Special Issue is designed to widen interdisciplinary perspectives in relation to the topic of data.
Some indicative themes of relevance to this issue include (but are not limited to) the following:
Submission Guidelines:
Suggested submission deadline: 30th May 2019 (earlier submissions, starting from 1st December 2018, are welcome)
Notifying the submitting authors regarding status of their paper: September 2019
Suggested publication release: late 2020
For more information please visit: