University of Newcastle Business School     NEDTN Postgraduate Research Workshop     Newcastle Centre for Social and Business Informatics

E-Business, E-Government and Information Systems

This student-centred, one day research workshop will provide the opportunity for interested postgraduate research students in the broad area of E-business, E-government and Information Systems to present and defend their research, share ideas and experience with each other, and explore practical issues involved in undertaking a postgraduate research. Students at all stages of their research are welcome.

In the morning, each participant will have the opportunity to present, explain and defend their research to a friendly yet critical audience. A working lunch will enable participants to network with one another and share experience informally.In the afternoon, discussions will be organised around a series of practical issues that the participants are most concerned with, such as methodological issues, literature review, gaining access to organisations, managing your supervisors, publishing in journals and conferences, and future career related issues.

The event will be coordinated by Professor Feng Li, Chair of E-Business Development; and Dr Savvas Papagiannidis, Lecturer in Information System and E-Business. Other experienced supervisors - from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne Business School, the Centre for Social and Business Informatics (SBI), and the Institute of Policy and Practice (IPP) will attend various sessions. To ensure active participation, the number of participants will be limited.

Date:1st February 2006, 10:00am to 4:00pm
Venue:Room 2.23 in the Beehive
Place:University of Newcastle upon Tyne Business School & Centre for Social and Business Informatics (SBI)


To register contact: Ms Sue Robson (, telephone: 0191 222 7691).

Participants will be required to submit either a one-page summary of their research, which should be submitted via email to Ms Sue Robson by Wednesday 25th of January. Optionally, participants may also submit a paper on their research (please use the template that can be downloaded by clicking here - max 8 pages!), which could be used for more in-depth discussions.