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Prof Savvas Papagiannidis

Professor of Information Systems, Digital Innovation & Transformation

Prof Savvas Papagiannidis

Quick Contact

Savvas is a graduate of Newcastle University's Physics Department, where he studied for a BSc Honours and a PhD in Theoretical Physics. He has also completed a second Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA), a Masters in Education (Practitioner Enquiry), a Masters in International Studies and a PG Certificate in Academic Practice.

His research interests revolve around electronic business and its various sub-domains and how digital technologies can transform organisations and societies alike. More specifically, his research aims to inform our understanding of how e-business technologies affect the social and business environment, organisational strategies and business models, and how these are implemented in terms of functional innovations (especially in emarketing and ecommerce). His work puts strong emphasis on innovation, new value creation and exploitation of entrepreneurial opportunities, within the context of different industries. Apart from the impact that the Internet and related technologies can have on businesses, he is also very much interested in the impact such technologies can have on individual users.

Research Interests

  • E-business / E-commerce
  • E-marketing / E-retailing
  • E-learning / Higher Education
  • Information Systems Management
  • Adoption, Acceptance and Diffusion of Technologies
  • Digital innovation and transformation
  • Social Media / Metaverses/ Artificial Intelligence / IOT & Smart Technologies

Savvas is an Associate Editor for Technological Forecasting and Social Change and the International Journal of Information Management. He is also one of the founding editor of the International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management. He is also the Editor of TheoryHub and the Teaching Cases books.


  • Fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (FRSA)
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
  • Fellow of the British Academy of Management (FBAM)
  • Member of the UK Academy of Information Systems (UKAIS)
  • Member of Institute of Physics (MInstP)


  • Head of the Information Systems and Operations Subject Group

Past External Roles

  • President of the UK Academy for Information Systems
  • Co-Vice Chair on the Executive responsible for SIGs, Tracks and Networks, British Academy of Management
  • Elected Council Member, British Academy of Management
  • Chair Ebusiness & Egovernment SIG & Track, British Academy of Management

Past Internal Roles

  • Head of the Marketing, Operations and Systems Subject Group
  • Head of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Ebusiness Group
  • Research Group Leader for Innovation Systems
  • Degree Programme Director of MSc Ebusiness (Emarketing and IS)
  • Member of the Alumni Consultative Group and vice-chairman of the NE NUBS Alumni Branch

Doctoral Supervisions

Kim GuoMeltem HutAkuzike KamwanjaHamed NayerniaNurul TanwirMengjie  Zhang


Many of the publications below are available on Newcastle University's Eprint Service.


  1. Davlembayeva D, Abbas R, Laffey D, Michael K, Papagiannidis S (2024). The Current State and Future Trajectory of the Sharing Economy: A Multi-Stakeholder Perspective. International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management. Vol. 19(1), pp. 1-29. [Open]
  2. Michael K, Abbas R, Papagiannidis S (2024). The Social Implications of XR: Promises, Perils, and Potential. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine. Vol. 43(1), pp. 91-108. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  3. Abbas R, Michael K, Davlembayeva D, Papagiannidis S, Pitt J (2024). Public Interest Technology for Innovation in Global Development: Recommendations for Launching PIT Projects. IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society. Vol. 5(1), pp. 14-23. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  4. Davlembayeva D, Chari S, Papagiannidis S (2024). Virtual Influencers in Consumer Behaviour: A Social Influence Theory Perspective. British Journal of Management. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  5. Alshamaila Y, Papagiannidis S, Alsawalqah H (2024). Examining the factors inhibiting Smart Cities implementation in Jordan. Cities. [Open]

  6. 2023

  7. Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E, Bourlakis M, Dennis C (2023). The pandemic consumer response: A stockpiling perspective and shopping channel preferences. British Journal of Management. Vol. 34(2), pp. 664-691. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  8. Alshamaila Y, Papagiannidis S, Alsawalqah H, Aljaraha I (2023). Effective use of smart cities in crisis cases: A systematic review of the literature. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. Vol. 85 [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  9. Marikyan D, Papagiannidis S, Rana OF, Ranjan R (2023). Working in a smart home environment: examining the impact on productivity, well-being and future use intention. Internet Research. Vol. 34(2), pp. 447-473. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  10. Dwivedi YK, Kshetri Nir, Hughes L, Slade EL, Jeyaraj A, Kar AK, Baabdullah AM, Koohang A, Raghavan V, Ahuja M, Albanna H, Albashrawi M, AlBusaidi AS, Balakrishnan J, Barlette Y, Basu S, Bose I, Brooks L, Buhalis D, Carter L, Chowdhury S, Crick T, Cunningham SW, Davies GH, Davison RM, Dé R, Dennehy D, Duan Y, Dubey R, Dwivedi R, Edwards JS, Flavián C, Gauld R, Grover V, Hu M, Janssen M, Jones P, Junglas I, Khorana S, Kraus S, Larsen KR, Latreille P, Laumer S, Malik FT, Mardani A, Mariani M, Mithas S, Mogaji E, Nord JH, O'Connor S, Okumus F, Pagani M, Pandey N, Papagiannidis S, Pappas IO, Pathak N, Pries-Heje J, Raman R, Rana NP, Rehm SV, Ribeiro-Navarrete S, Richter A, Rowe F, Sarker S, Stahl BC, Tiwari MK, van der Aalst W, Venkatesh V, Viglia G, Wade M, Walton P, Wirtz J, Wright R (2023). ?So what if ChatGPT wrote it?? Multidisciplinary perspectives on opportunities, challenges and implications of generative conversational AI for research, practice and policy. International Journal of Information Management. Vol. 71 [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  11. Papagiannidis S, Meadows M, Panagiotopoulos P (2023). Training the next generation of doctoral researchers in data science: The impact on publications and beyond.. IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society. Vol. 4(3), pp. 241-247. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  12. Ameen N, Papagiannidis S, Hosany ARS, Gentina E (2023). It?s part of the ?new normal?: Does a global pandemic change employees? perception of teleworking?. Journal of Business Research. Vol. 164 [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  13. Davlembayeva D, Papagiannidis S (2023). Platform-provider relationship dynamics in the sharing economy: Challenges and implications. Industrial Marketing Management. Vol. 111, pp. 242-256. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  14. Dwivedi YK, Kshetri N, Hughes L, Rana NP, Baabdullah AM, Kar AK, Koohang A, Ribeiro-Navarrete S, Belei N, Balakrishnan J, Basu S, Behl A, Davies GH, Dutot V, Dwivedi R, Evans L, Felix R, Foster-Fletcher R, Giannakis M, Gupta A, Hinsch C, Jain A, Jane Patel N, Jung T, Juneja S, Kamran Q, Mohamed Ab S, Pandey N, Papagiannidis S, Raman R, Rauschnabel PA, Tak P, Taylor A, tom Dieck MC, Viglia G, Wang Y, Yan M (2023). Exploring the Darkverse: A Multi-Perspective Analysis of the Negative Societal Impacts of the Metaverse. Information Systems Frontiers. Vol. 25, p. 2071?2114. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  15. Trinh VQ, Salama A, Li T, Lyu O, Papagiannidis S (2023). Former CEOs chairing the board: does it matter to corporate social and environmental investments?. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting. Vol. 61, p. 1277?1313. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  16. Budhwar P, Chowdhury S, Wood G, Aguinis H, Bamber GJ, Beltran JR, Boselie P, Lee Cooke F, Decker S, DeNisi A, Dey PK, Guest D, Knoblich AJ, Malik A, Paauwe J, Papagiannidis S, Patel C, Pereira V, Ren S, Rogelberg S, Saunders MNK, Tung RL, Varma A (2023). Human resource management in the age of generative artificial intelligence: Perspectives and research directions on ChatGPT. Human Resource Management Journal. Vol. 33(3), p. 606?659. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  17. Marikyan D, Papagiannidis S, Stewart G (2023). Technology acceptance research: Meta-analysis. Journal of Information Science. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  18. Marikyan D, Papagiannidis S (2023). Exercising the "Right to Repair": A Customer?s Perspective. Journal of Business Ethics. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  19. Marikyan D, Papagiannidis S, Rana OF, Ranjan R (2023). General data protection regulation: a study on attitude and emotional empowerment. Behaviour and Information Technology. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research

  20. 2022

  21. Ogunbodede O, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E (2022). Value Co-Creation and Co-Destruction Behaviour: Relationship with Basic Human Values and Personality Traits. International Journal of Consumer Studies. Vol. 46(4), pp. 1278-1298. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  22. Nayernia H, Bahemia H, Papagiannidis S (2022). A systematic review of the implementation of industry 4.0 from the organisational perspective. International Journal of Production Research. Vol. 60(14), pp. 4365-4396. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  23. Papagiannidis S, Marikyan D (2022). Environmental Sustainability: A technology acceptance perspective. International Journal of Information Management. Vol. 63 [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  24. Papagiannidis S, Davlembayeva D (2022). Bringing Smart Home Technology to Peer-to-Peer Accommodation: Exploring the Drivers of Intention to Stay in Smart Accommodation. Information Systems Frontiers. Vol. 24, pp. 1189-1208. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  25. Marikyan D, Papagiannidis S, Rana O, Ranjan R, Morgan G (2022). "Alexa, Let?s Talk About my Productivity": The Impact of Digital Assistants on Work Productivity. Journal of Business Research. Vol. 142, pp. 572-584. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  26. Marikyan D, Papagiannidis S, Rana O, Ranjan R (2022). Blockchain Adoption: A Study of Cognitive Factors Underpinning Decision Making. Computers in Human Behavior. Vol. 131 [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  27. Marikyan D, Papagiannidis S, Rana O, Ranjan R (2022). Blockchain: A Business Model Innovation Analysis. Digital Business. Vol. 2(2) [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  28. Dwivedi YK, Hughes L, Baabdullah AM, Ribeiro-Navarrete S, Giannakis M, Al-Debei MM, Dennehy D, Metri B, Buhalis D, Cheung CMK, Conboy K, Doyle R, Dubey Rr, Dutot V, Felix R, Goyal DP, Gustafsson A, Hinsch C, Jebabli I, Janssen M, Kim Y, Kim J, Koos S, Kreps D, Kshetri N, Kumar V, Ooi K, Papagiannidis S, Pappas I, Polyviou A, Park S, Pandey N, Queiroz MM, Raman R, Rauschnabel PA, Shirish A, Sigala M, Spanaki K, Wei-Han Tan G, Tiwari MK, Viglia G, Wamba SF (2022). Metaverse beyond the hype: Multidisciplinary perspectives on emerging challenges, opportunities, and agenda for research, practice and policy. International Journal of Information Management. Vol. 66 [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  29. Truong Y, Papagiannidis S (2022). Artificial intelligence as an enabler for innovation: A review and future research agenda. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol. 183 [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  30. Apostolidis C, Shams R, Gregory-Smith D, Vrontis D, Bian X, Belyaeva Z, Papagiannidis S (2022). Technology as a catalyst for sustainable social business: Advancing the research agenda. Editorial introduction to the special issue. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol. 183 [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  31. Papagiannidis S (2022). TheoryHub Book. p. 199. [Open]

  32. 2021

  33. Francioni B, Curina I, Dennis C, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E, Bourlakis M, Hegner SM (2021). Does trust play a role when it comes to donations? A comparison of Italian and US higher education institutions. Higher Education. Vol. 82(1), pp. 85-105. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  34. Lu Y, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E (2021). Adding ?things? to the internet: exploring the spillover effect of technology acceptance. Journal of Marketing Management. Vol. 37(7-8), pp. 626-650. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  35. Marikyan D, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E (2021). "Smart Home Sweet Smart Home" - An Examination of Smart Home Acceptance. International Journal of E-Business Research. Vol. 17(2), pp. 1-23. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  36. Tueanrat Y, Alamanos E, Papagiannidis E (2021). Going on a journey: A review of the customer journey literature. Journal of Business Research. Vol. 125, pp. 336-353. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  37. Manika D, Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis M, Clarke RM (2021). Drawing on Subjective Knowledge and Information Receptivity to Examine an Environmental Sustainability Policy: Insights from the UK's Bag Charge Policy. European Management Review. Vol. 18(3), pp. 249-262. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  38. Davlembayeva D, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E (2021). Sharing economy platforms: An equity theory perspective on reciprocity and commitment. Journal of Business Research. Vol. 127, pp. 151-166. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  39. Davlembayeva D, Papagiannidis S (2021). Paradoxes of the Sharing Economy: A pandemic perspective. International Review of Entrepreneurship. Vol. 19(1), pp. 5-32. [Open]
  40. Tueanrat Y, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E (2021). A conceptual framework of the antecedents of customer journey satisfaction in omnichannel retailing. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. Vol. 61 [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  41. Manika D, Antonetti P, Papagiannidis S, Guo X (2021). How pride triggered by pro-environmental technology adoption spills over into conservation behaviours: A social business application. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol. 172 [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  42. Meadows M, Merendino A, Dibb S, Garcia-Perez A, Hinton M, Papagiannidis S, Pappas I, Wang H (2021). Tension in the data environment: How organisations can meet the challenge. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol. 175 [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research

  43. 2020

  44. Yang Y, See-To E, Papagiannidis S (2020). You have not been archiving emails for no reason! Using big data analytics to cluster B2B interest in products and services and link clusters to financial performance. Industrial Marketing Management. Vol. 86, pp. 16-29. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  45. Papagiannidis S, Marikyan D (2020). Smart Offices: A productivity and well-being perspective. International Journal of Information Management. Vol. 51 [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  46. Papagiannidis S, Harris J, Morton D (2020). WHO led the digital transformation of your company? A reflection of IT related challenges during the pandemic. International Journal of Information Management. Vol. 55 [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  47. Davlembayeva D, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E (2020). Sharing Economy: Studying the Social and Psychological Factors and the Outcomes of Social Exchange. Technological Forecasting & Social Change. Vol. 158 [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  48. Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis M, See-To E (2020). Social media in supply chains and logistics: Contemporary trends and themes. International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management. Vol. 14(1), pp. 17-34. [Open]
  49. Marikyan D, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E (2020). Cognitive Dissonance in Technology Adoption: A Study of Smart Home Users. Information Systems Frontiers. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  50. Pavlidou I, Papagiannidis S, Tsui E (2020). Crowdsourcing: a systematic review of the literature using text mining. Industrial Management and Data Systems. Vol. 120(11), pp. 2041-2065. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  51. Aujla GS, Barati M, Rana O, Dustdar S, Noor A, Llanos JT, Carr M, Marikyan D, Papagiannidis S, Ranjan R (2020). COM-PACE: Compliance-Aware Cloud Application Engineering Using Blockchain. IEEE Internet Computing. Vol. 24(5), pp. 45-53. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  52. Lu Y, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E (2020). The Spill-Over Effect of the Emotional Reaction to the Use of Internet on the Intention to Use Internet of Things (IoT) Services: An Abstract. Marketing Opportunities and Challenges in a Changing Global Marketplace : Proceedings of the 2019 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference. pp. 545-546. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research

  53. 2019

  54. Lu Y, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E (2019). Exploring the emotional antecedents and outcomes of technology acceptance. Computers in Human Behavior. Vol. 90, pp. 153-169. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  55. Davlembayeva D, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E (2019). Mapping the economics, social and technological attributes of the sharing economy. Information Technology and People. Vol. 33(3), pp. 841-872. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  56. Osorio CA, Papagiannidis S (2019). A Study of Networking and Information Exchange Factors Influencing User Participation in Niche Social Networking Sites. International Journal of e-Business Research. Vol. 15(2), pp. 1-21. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  57. Albarrak MS, Elnahass M, Papagiannidis S, Salama A (2019). The effect of twitter dissemination on cost of equity: A big data approach. International Journal of Information Management. Vol. 50, pp. 1-16. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research

  58. 2018

  59. Palamida E, Papagiannidis S, Xanthopoulou D (2018). Linking young individuals? capital to investment intentions: Comparing two cultural backgrounds. European Management Journal. Vol. 36(3), pp. 392-407. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  60. Papagiannidis S, See-To E, Assimakopoulos D, Yang Y (2018). Identifying industrial clusters with a novel big-data methodology: are SIC codes (not) fit for purpose in the Internet age?. Computers & Operations Research. Vol. 98, pp. 355-366. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  61. Dermentzi E, Papagiannidis S (2018). Academics? intention to adopt online technologies for public engagement. Internet Research. Vol. 28(1), pp. 191-212. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  62. Manika D, Gregory-Smith D, Papagiannidis S (2018). The influence of prior knowledge structures on website attitudes and behavioral intentions. Computers in Human Behaviour. Vol. 78, pp. 44-58. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  63. Lu Y, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E (2018). Internet of Things: A systematic review of the business literature from the user and organisational perspectives. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol. 136, pp. 285-297. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  64. Marikyan D, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E (2018). A Systematic Review of the Smart Home Literature: A user perspective. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol. 138, pp. 139-154. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  65. Alamanos E, Papagiannidis S, Dennis C, Bourlakis M (2018). The Value of Shopping Channels and the Relationship with Social Exclusion and Perceived Well-Being: An Abstract. Back to the Future: Using Marketing Basics to Provide Customer Value : Proceedings of the 2017 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference. pp. 409-410. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research

  66. 2017

  67. Manika D, Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis M (2017). Understanding the effects of a social media service failure apology: A comparative study of customers vs. potential customers. International Journal of Information Management. Vol. 37(3), pp. 214-228. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  68. Papagiannidis S, Pantano E, See-To E, Dennis C, Bourlakis M (2017). To immerse or not? Experimenting with two virtual retail environments.. Information Technology & People. Vol. 30(1), pp. 163-188. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  69. Palamida E, Xanthopoulou D, Papagiannidis S, Stamati T (2017). Exploring intentions towards human, social, and financial capital investments in a turbulent economic environment. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Vol. 18(2), p. 79?90. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  70. Hajli N, Shanmugam M, Papagiannidis S, Zahay D, Richard M (2017). Branding co-creation with members of online brand communities. Journal of Business Research. Vol. 70, pp. 136-144. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  71. Dennis C, Bourlakis M, Alamanos E, Papagiannidis S, Brakus J (2017). Value co-creation through multiple shopping channels: The interconnections with social exclusion and wellbeing. International Journal of Electronic Commerce. Vol. 21(4), pp. 517-547. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  72. Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis M, Alamanos E, Dennis C (2017). Preferences of smart shopping channels and their impact on perceived wellbeing and social inclusion. Computers in Human Behaviour. Vol. 77, pp. 396-405. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  73. Knight D, Walsh S, Papagiannidis S (2017). I?m having a Spring Clear Out: A Corpus-based Analysis of e-transactional Discourse . Applied Linguistics. Vol. 38(2), pp. 235-257. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  74. Apiraksattayakul C, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E (2017). Shopping via Instagram: The influence of perceptions of value, benefits and risks on purchase intentions. International Journal of Online Marketing. Vol. 7(4), pp. 1-20. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  75. Dermentzi E, Papagiannidis S (2017). UK public?s intention to engage with academia via online technologies. Behaviour and Information Technology. Vol. 37(2), pp. 120-132. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research

  76. 2016

  77. Dennis C, Alamanos E, Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis M (2016). Does social exclusion influence multiple channel use? The interconnections with community, happiness and well-being. Journal of Business Research. Vol. 69(3), pp. 1061-1070. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  78. Dennis C, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E, Bourlakis M (2016). The role of brand attachment strength in higher education. Journal of Business Research. Vol. 69(8), pp. 3049-3057. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  79. Dermentzi E, Papagiannidis S, Osorio Toro C, Yannopoulou N (2016). Academic engagement: Differences between intention to adopt Social Networking Sites and other online technologies. Computers in Human Behavior. Vol. 61, pp. 321-332. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  80. Papagiannidis S, Manika D (2016). Political Participation and Engagement via Different Online and Offline Channels. International Journal of E-Business Research. Vol. 12(4), pp. 1-22. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research

  81. 2015

  82. Pang G, Casalin F, Papagiannidis S, Muyldermans L, Tse YK (2015). Price determinants for remanufactured electronic products: a case study on eBay UK. International Journal of Production Research. Vol. 53(2), pp. 572-589. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  83. Manika D, Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis M (2015). Can a CEO's YouTube apology following a service failure win customers' hearts?. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol. 95, pp. 87-95. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  84. Palamida E, Papagiannidis S, Xanthopoulou D, Stamati T (2015). Capital, motives and their link to investment intentions: The moderating role of the financial crisis in Greece. Journal of Small Business Management. Vol. 53(Suppl. 1), pp. 115-144. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  85. Papagiannidis S, Gebka B, Gertner D, Stahl F (2015). Diffusion of web technologies and practices: A longitudinal study. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol. 96, pp. 308-321. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  86. Kraus S, Richter C, Papagiannidis S, Durst S (2015). Innovating and exploiting entrepreneurial opportunities in Smart Cities: Evidence from Germany. Creativity and Innovation Management. Vol. 24(4), pp. 601-616. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  87. Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis M (2015). Special Issue Theme: "Social Media: A revolution in communication". Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol. 95, pp. 1-2. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  88. Papagiannidis S, Stamati T, Behr H (2015). Greek politicians and the Use of Online Technologies for Citizen Engagement. Public Affairs and Administration: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. Vol. 3, pp. 1255-1273. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research

  89. 2014

  90. Papagiannidis S, See-To E, Bourlakis M (2014). Virtual Test-driving: The impact of simulated products on purchase intention. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. Vol. 21(5), pp. 877-887. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  91. See-To E, Papagiannidis S, Westland JC (2014). The moderating role of income on consumers' preferences and usage for online and offline payment methods. Electronic Commerce Research. Vol. 14(2), pp. 189-213. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  92. Papagiannidis S, Stamati T, Behr H (2014). Greek politicians and the use of online technologies for citizen engagement. Integrating Social Media into Business Practice, Applications, Management, and Models. pp. 127-145. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  93. Papagiannidis S, Stamati T, Behr H (2014). Online engagement and impact: The case of Greek politicians during the financial crisis. Digital Arts and Entertainment: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. Vol. 3, pp. 1217-1237. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research

  94. 2013

  95. Alshamaila Y, Papagiannidis S, Li F (2013). Cloud Computing Adoption by SMEs in the North East of England: A multi-perspective framework. Journal of Enterprise Information Management. Vol. 26(3), pp. 250-275. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  96. Papagiannidis S, Pantano E, See-To E, Bourlakis M (2013). Modelling the determinants of a simulated experience in a virtual retail store and users' product purchasing intentions. Journal of Marketing Management. Vol. 29(13-14), pp. 1462-1492. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  97. Behr H; Papagiannidis S; Stamati T (2013). Online engagement and impact: The case of Greek politicians during the financial crisis. International Journal of E-Business Research. Vol. 9(4), pp. 47-66. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research

  98. 2012

  99. Xanthopoulou D, Papagiannidis S (2012). Play online, work better? Examing the spillover of active learning and transformational leadership. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol. 79(7), pp. 1328-1339. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  100. See-To E, Papagiannidis S, Cho V (2012). User experience on mobile video appreciation: how to engross users and to enhance their enjoyment in watching mobile video clips. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol. 79(8), pp. 1484-1494. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  101. Papagiannidis S; Xanthopoulou D (2012). Games-Work Interaction: The Beneficial Impact of Computer Games on Work Behaviors. The Psychology of Digital Media at Work. [Open]
  102. Papagiannidis S, Coursaris C, Bourlakis M (2012). Do websites influence the nature of voting intentions? The case of two national elections in Greece. Computers in Human Behavior. Vol. 28(2), pp. 300-307. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research

  103. 2011

  104. Papagiannidis S (2011). Adopting online taster courses in postgraduate recruitment: The case of a British business school. Studies in Higher Education. Vol. 38(7), pp. 1058-1078. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  105. Papagiannidis S, Riedler C, Fink M, Kraus S (2011). Forschungsleistungen der deutschsprachigen Entrepreneurship-Forschung. Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship. Vol. 59(4), pp. 301-322. [Open]

  106. 2010

  107. Li F, Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis M (2010). Living in 'multiple spaces': extending our socioeconomic environment through virtual worlds. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. Vol. 28(3), pp. 425-446. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  108. Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis M (2010). Staging the new retail drama: At a metaverse near you!. Journal of Virtual Worlds Research. Vol. 2(5), pp. 3-17. [Open]

  109. 2009

  110. Papagiannidis S, Berry J, Theodoulou T (2009). A tale of e-business models: from the music to the television industry. Emergent strategies for e-business processes, services, and implications: advancing corporate frameworks. Vol. 3, pp. 104-122. [Open]
  111. Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis M, Li F (2009). I have an avatar therefore I exist. Electronic Commerce Research. Vol. 9(1-2), pp. 1-2. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  112. Papagiannidis S, Li F, Etzkowitz H, Clouser M (2009). Entrepreneurial Networks: A Triple Helix Approach for Brokering Human and Social Capital. Journal of International Entrepreneurship. Vol. 7(3), pp. 215-235. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  113. Coursaris C, Papagiannidis S (2009). Online political marketing in Greece: An evaluation of the 2007 national elections and two case studies. Computers in Human Behavior. Vol. 25(4), pp. 853-861. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  114. Bourlakis M, Papagiannidis S, Li F (2009). Retail spatial evolution: Paving the way from traditional to metaverse retailing. Electronic Commerce Research. Vol. 9(1-2), pp. 135-148. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  115. Theodoulou T, Papagiannidis S (2009). Still watching other people's programmes? The case of current TV. International Journal of e-Business Research. Vol. 5(4), pp. 55-67. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research

  116. 2008

  117. Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis MA (2008). Advertising in the networked environment: Implications for fair use, media convergence and consumer privacy. Encyclopedia of Information Ethics and Security. pp. 15-22. [Open]
  118. Bourlakis M, Papagiannidis S, Fox H (2008). Trusting the Avatar: An examination of trust and risk factors in electronic and virtual retailing. Trust and New Technologies: Marketing and Management on the Internet and Mobile Media. pp. 40-55. [Open]
  119. Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis MA, Li F (2008). Fulfilling the e-supply chain of digital print. International Journal of Information Technology and Management. Vol. 7(1), p. 98?112. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  120. Woerndl M, Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis MA, Li F (2008). Internet-induced marketing techniques: Critical factors of viral marketing. International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management. Vol. 3(1), pp. 33-45. [Open]
  121. Papagiannidis S (2008). Is it really possible to think strategically about assessment?. International Journal of Management Education. Vol. 6(3), pp. 5-12. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  122. Berry J, Papagiannidis S (2008). Live Music and Performances in a Virtual World. Encyclopedia of Multimedia Technology and Networking. pp. 849-853. [Open]
  123. Papagiannidis S (2008). From 2D to 3D: Making the transition from web to metaverse retailing. Cutter IT Journal. Vol. 21(9), pp. 14-18. [Open]
  124. Bourlakis M, Papagiannidis S, Fox H (2008). E-consumer behaviour: Past, present and future trajectories of an evolving retail revolution. International Journal of e-Business Research. Vol. 4(3), pp. 64-76. [Open]
  125. Martin K, Papagiannidis S, Li F, Bourlakis M, Cook S, Hansell A (2008). Early challenges of implementing an e-commerce system in a medical supply company: A case experience from a knowledge transfer partnership (KTP). International Journal of Information Management. Vol. 28(1), pp. 68-75. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research
  126. Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis M, Li F (2008). Making real money in virtual worlds: MMORPGs and emerging business opportunities, challenges and ethical implications in metaverses. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol. 75(5), pp. 610-622. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research

  127. 2007

  128. Papagiannidis S, Berry J (2007). What has been learned from emergent music business models?. International Journal of E-Business Research. Vol. 3(3), pp. 25-42. [Open]
  129. Barlow A, Duncan P, Li F, Papagiannidis S (2007). Editorial: New Frontiers in e-Business and e-Government: Emerging opportunities and Challenges. International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management. Vol. 2(1), pp. 3-8. [Open]
  130. Li F, Papagiannidis S, Barlow A, Duncan P (2007). New Frontiers in e-Business and e-Government. International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management. Vol. 2(1), pp. 1-2. [Open]

  131. 2006

  132. Papagiannidis S, Li F (2006). Netservey: mixed-mode surveys without the practicalities. Handbook of Research on Electronic Surveys and Measurements. pp. 222-229. [Open]
  133. Papagiannidis S; Li F; Carr J (2006). United Kingdom: Current M-Commerce Developments and Future Prospects. M-Commerce: Global Experiences and Perspectives. pp. 220-239. [Open]
  134. Papagiannidis S (2006). So, you think you are not an entrepreneur?. Management Online Review. (October) [Open]
  135. Papagiannidis S, Berry J, Li F (2006). Well beyond streaming video: IPv6 and the next generation television. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol. 73(5), pp. 510-523. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research

  136. 2005

  137. Papagiannidis S, Berry J, Li F (2005). Internet Protocol version 6, an assessment and analysis of its potential effects. Encyclopedia of developing regional communities with information and communication technology. pp. 564-568. [Open]
  138. Papagiannidis S, Li F (2005). Management and delivery of digital print via the web: A case study of Gaia Fulfilment. International Journal of Cases of Electronic Commerce. Vol. 1(1), pp. 1-18. [Open]
  139. Papagiannidis S, Bex A (2005). Challenging best practices in (e)business development. WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications. Vol. 2(10), pp. 1715-1722. [Open]
  140. Papagiannidis S, Berry J, Petchey T (2005). The long and winding road? Ebusiness models for small independent record labels. WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications. Vol. 2(10), pp. 1723-1730. [Open]
  141. Papagiannidis S, Li F (2005). Skills brokerage: A new model for business start-ups in the networked economy. European Management Journal. Vol. 23(4), pp. 471-482. [Open] Ebusiness Emarketing Ecommerce Research

  142. 2004

  143. Goss JP, Briddon PR, Papagiannidis S, Jones R (2004). Interstitial nitrogen and its complexes in diamond. Physical Review B. Vol. 70(23) [Open]

Conference Presentations


  1. Chari S, Papagiannidis S, Marikyan D, Davlembayeva D (2024). Exploring the antecedents of game-evoked nostalgia. British Academy of Management 2024 Conference.

  2. Tanwir N, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E (2024). The dynamics of the adoption process of innovative technology: A collective perspective.. British Academy of Management 2024 Conference.

  3. Zhang M, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E (2024). A systematic review of the digital twins: A business and management perspective. British Academy of Management 2024 Conference.

  4. Davlembayeva D, Papagiannidis S, Ameen N (2024). Distributive and procedural fairness in customer-chatbot interaction. 2nd International Conference of Navigating the AI Nexus.

  5. 2023

  6. Brakus J, Alamanos E, Dennis C, Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis M (2023). The role of affective and cognitive responses to brand experiences in the relationship with customers.. Academy Of Marketing Science 24th World Marketing Congress.

  7. Davlembayeva D, Chari S, Papagiannidis S (2023). A study on the role of virtual influencers' attributes in consumer behaviour.. UK Academy for Information Systems Annual Conference (UKAIS 2023).

  8. Davlembayeva D, Papagiannidis S (2023). Challenges in the Sharing Economy: a Provider?s Perspective. British Academy of Management 2023 Conference.

  9. Marikyan D, Papagiannidis S, Stewart G (2023). A Meta-Analytical Review of Technology Acceptance Research. British Academy of Management 2023 Conference.

  10. Davlembayeva D, Papagiannidis S, Ameen N (2023). Customer-chatbot interaction: Does fairness matter?. 7th International Conference of Marketing, Strategy & Policy 2023 (MSP2023).

  11. Davlembayeva D, Chari S, Papagiannidis S (2023). The Factors that Affect the Persuasiveness of Virtual Influencers. 2023 Global Marketing Conference.

  12. 2022

  13. Marikyan D, Papagiannidis S, Rana O, Ranjan R (2022). Blockchain adoption: Exploring innovation factors. UK Academy of Information Systems Conference (UKAIS).

  14. Papagiannidis S, Davlembayeva D (2022). Exploring intention to stay in smart accommodation: A consumption value perspective. UK Academy of Information Systems Conference (UKAIS).

  15. Ameen N, Papagiannidis S, Davlembayeva D (2022). Exploring the predictors of chatbot service quality. 21st IFIP W6.11 Conference e-Business, e-Services, and e-Society.

  16. 2021

  17. Marikyan D, Papagiannidis S, Rana OF, Ranjan R (2021). Blockchain in a Business Model: Exploring Benefits and Risks. 20th IFIP Conference e-Business, e-Services, and e-Society I3E2021.

  18. Hut M, Manika D, Go Jefferies J, Papagiannidis S (2021). Understanding the Concept of Time for Food Wellbeing. 25th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications. pp. 267-270.

  19. Hut M, Manika D, Go Jefferies J, Papagiannidis S (2021). Food consumption and time: Meanings and processes underlying choices. 50th Annual Conference of The European Marketing Academy.

  20. Marikyan D, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E (2021). The Use of Smart Home Technologies: Cognitive Dissonance Perspective. British Academy of Management Conference.

  21. Tueanrat Y, Alamanos E, Papagiannidis S (2021). Impact of customer co-creation behaviour, customer response and customer experiential values on customer journey satisfaction.. British Academy of Management Conference.

  22. Marikyan D, Papagiannidis S, Ranjan R, Rana O (2021). Working in a Smart Home-office: Exploring the Impacts on Productivity and Wellbeing. 17th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST).

  23. Hut SM, Manika D, Go Jefferies J, Papagiannidis S (2021). The hedonic or eudaimonic way: Understanding the impact of subjective time an wellbeing motives on healthy food choice. 5th International Conference of Marketing, Strategy & Policy 2021.

  24. Marikyan D, Papagiannidis S, Ranjan R, Rana O (2021). An Application of Voice-based Digital Assistants in the Work Context. 5th International Conference of Marketing, Strategy & Policy 2021. pp. 14-14.

  25. El Maalouf N, Bahemia H, Papagiannidis S (2021). The implementation of open innovation at the UK manufacturing firms. 8th Annual World Open ?Innovation Conference,.

  26. Maalouf N, Bahemia H, Papagiannidis S (2021). The Breadth of Open Innovation Activities: Antecedents and Outcomes, a Dynamic Capability Perspective. 18th Open & User Innovation Conference.

  27. Marikyan D, Llanos J, Barati M, Aujla G, Li Y, Adu-Duodu K, Tahir S, Rana O, Papagiannidis S, Ranjan R, Carr M (2021). Privacy & Cloud Services: Are We There Yet?. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE). pp. 11-19.

  28. Marikyan D, Papagiannidis S, Ranjan R, Rana O (2021). General Data Protection Regulation: An Individual?s Perspective. 14th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, 1st Blockchain for Smart Cyber-Physical Systems. p. Article No.: 8.

  29. 2020

  30. Xanthopoulou D, Foti K, Papagiannidis S (2020). Work- and non-work-related social media use during work breaks: Effects on daily employee well-being and recovery. 14th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference.

  31. Marikyan D, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E (2020). When Technology Does Not Meet Expectations: A Cognitive Dissonance Perspective. 25th UK Academy for Information Systems International Conference (UKAIA 2020).

  32. Marikyan D, Papagiannidis S (2020). Systematic Literature Review on Technology Adoption: Meta-Analysis Approach.

  33. Ogunbodede E, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E (2020). Motivations and Benefits of Value Co-destruction: Influence on Consumer Loyalty.

  34. Davlembayeva D, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E (2020). Reciprocity in the Sharing Economy. EMAC Regional Conference.

  35. Ogunbodede O, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E (2020). Value Co-creation and Co-destruction Behaviour: Relationship with Basic Human Values. European Marketing Association Conference (EMAC) 2020.

  36. Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E, Dennis C, Bourlakis M (2020). The pandemic consumer journey: A stockpiling perspective. 4th International Conference of Marketing, Strategy & Policy.

  37. Coulson E, Coleman S, Papagiannidis S, Yannopoulou N (2020). A/B Testing of factors influencing the Impact of B2B Social Media Posts in an SME. 20th International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB2020).

  38. Coulson E, Coleman S, Papagiannidis S, Yannopoulou N (2020). Design of Experiments for Business Improvement in SME Marketing Strategies.. European Network of Business and Industrial Statistics (ENBIS-20).

  39. 2019

  40. Marikyan D, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E (2019). The Effect of Behavioural Beliefs on Smart Home Technology Adoption. 24th UK Academy for Information Systems International Conference.

  41. Foti K, Xanthopoulou D, Papagiannidis S (2019). Social media and their role for recovering from work demands: A cross-sectional study. British Academy of Management Conference (BAM2019).

  42. Marikyan D, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E (2019). Do Smart Homes Deliver The Promised Benefits?. British Academy of Management Conference (BAM2019).

  43. Tueanrat Y, Alamanos E, Papagiannidis S (2019). Customer Journeys: A Systematic Analysis. British Academy of Management Conference (BAM2019).

  44. Ogunbodede O, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E (2019). Value Co-creation and Co-destruction: The Influence of Human Basic Values and Personality Traits on Consumer Choices.. British Academy of Management Conference 2019.

  45. Coulson E, Coleman S, Yannopoulou N, Papagiannidis S (2019). Business insight and support from analysis of digital marketing data in an SME. European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics (ENBIS-19).

  46. Lu Y, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E (2019). The Spill-Over Effect of the Emotional Reaction to the use of Internet on the Intention to Use Internet of Things (IoT) Services. Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference 2019.

  47. Davlembayeva E, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E (2019). Reciprocity and Social Exchange in the Sharing Economy. 18th IFIP Conference on e-Business, e-Services and e-Society (I3E 2019).

  48. Marikyan D, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E (2019). Smart Home Sweet Smart Home: An Examination of Smart Home Acceptance. 18th IFIP Conference on on e-Business, e-Services and e-Society (I3E 2019).

  49. Foti K, Xanthopoulou D, Papagiannidis S, Kafetsios K (2019). How did you feel while tweeting? Tweet-related emotion on recovery from work.. 18th IFIP Conference on e-Business, e-Services and e-Society.

  50. Dennis C, Alamanos E, Brakus C, Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis M (2019). Customer Happiness in the Retail Customer Journey: An Abstract. Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress: Enlightened Marketing in Challenging Times.

  51. Palamida E, Whitehurst F, Xanthopoulou D, Papagiannidis S (2019). Senior Entrepreneurship through the lenses of a Pre and Post Retirement Dichotomy: The role of Need satisfaction and Work engagement on Entrepreneurial Intentionality. ISBE 2019.

  52. Davlembayeva D, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E (2019). Reciprocity in the Sharing Economy. 19th International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB 2019).

  53. Marikyan D, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E (2019). Dissatisfaction with Smart Home Technologies. 19th International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB 2019).

  54. Ogunbodede OE, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E (2019). Value Co-creation and Co-destruction Behavior in Virtual Communities ? Influence of Personality Traits. 19th International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB 2019).

  55. Coulson E, Papagiannidis S, Coleman S, Yannopoulou N (2019). An Exploration into the Effects of Digital Co-branding within B2B E-Commerce: An Action Research Case Study within the B2B Marine Engineering Industry. 19th International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB 2019).

  56. Nayernia H, Bahemia H, Papagiannidis S (2019). Implementing industry 4.0: Exploring the literature in a systematic way using text mining. Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB). Vol. 2019, pp. 242-252.

  57. Olatunji IE, See-To EWK, Papagiannidis S (2019). Longitudinal analysis of economic clusters: A novel methodology and application of UK regions. Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB). Vol. 2019, pp. 570-572.

  58. 2018

  59. Ogunbodede O, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E (2018). Value Co-destruction: A Resource and Practices Perspective.. Global Conference on Creating Value.

  60. Manika D, Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis M (2018). Environmental Sustainability and Public Policy Compliance: A Study of the UK?s Single-use Bag Charge Policy. 2018 American Marketing Association Summer Academic Conference.

  61. Marikyan D, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E (2018). Smart Homes Acceptance: An empirical study. British Academy of Management 2018 Conference.

  62. Davlembayeva D, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E (2018). Defining and analysing the dimensions of the sharing economy.. British Academy of Management 2018 Conference.

  63. Maalouf NE, Bahemia H, Papagiannidis S (2018). The firm level antecedents of open innovation: A dynamic capability perspective. British Academy of Management 2018 Conference.

  64. Lu A, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E (2018). Psychological determinants and consequences of Internet usage: An extension of the Technology Acceptance Model. 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies.

  65. Francioni B, Curina I, Dennis C, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E, Bourlakis M (2018). The brand identity role and attitude toward donations: an American-Italian comparison in the higher education context. 44th European International Business Academy Conference.

  66. Palamida E, Xanthopoulou D, De Massis A, Shukla S, Papagiannidis S, Menon U, Bharti P (2018). Intra-family Successors in India: The cognitive process that depicts how education and family opens the road to the formation of family business involvement intentions. ISBE 2018.

  67. 2017

  68. Yang Y, Papagiannidis S, See-To E, Assimakopoulos D (2017). Towards A Big Data Approach For Identifying Economic Clusters. British Academy of Management 2017 Conference.

  69. Osorio C, Wilson R, Papagiannidis S (2017). Social Networking Sites Withdrawal. International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo 2017). Vol. 10539 LNCS, pp. 391-408.

  70. 2016

  71. Dermentzi E, Papagiannidis S, Osorio C, Yannopoulou N (2016). Academics' Intention to Adopt SNS for Engagement within Academia. 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies. pp. 219-228.

  72. Dennis C, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E, Bourlakis M (2016). The role of brand attachment and its antecedents in brand equity in higher education. Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference.

  73. Dennis C, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E, Bourlakis M (2016). The role of brand attachment strength in higher education. 23rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science, EIRASS.

  74. Dermentzi E, Papagiannidis S (2016). Academics? Intention to Adopt Online Technologies for Public Engagement.. Engage HEI 2016 Conference.

  75. Lu Y, Papagiannidis S, Alamanos E (2016). A Study of the Internet of Things from the Users? Perspective. British Academy of Management 2016.

  76. 2015

  77. Alamanos E, Dennis C, Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis M (2015). Value Co-Creation through multiple shopping channels: The interconnections with social exclusion and wellbeing. AMA/ACRA Triennial Conference.

  78. Alamanos E, Dennis C, Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis M (2015). Value Co-Creation, Shopping Channels, Social Exclusion and Wellbeing. 22nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science.

  79. Palamida E, Papagiannidis S, Xanthopoulou D (2015). Linking Capital to Investment Intentions: Applying the Theory of Planned Behaviour in Different Cultural Backgrounds. Eleventh Biennial Conference on Entrepreneurship EDII.

  80. Richter C, Papagiannidis S, Kraus S, Durst S (2015). Exploring Smart City Innovation: The case of 12 German entrepreneurs. British Academy of Management 2015 Conference.

  81. Palamida E, Papagiannidis S, Xanthopoulou D, Trainer G (2015). Autonomous motivation and autonomy support among students: Applying the Trans-contextual model in an entrepreneurial educational setting. 35th Annual Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC).

  82. 2014

  83. Osorio C, Papagiannidis S (2014). Main factors for joining new social networking sites. Human-Computer Interaction 16th International Conference 2014.

  84. Alamanos E, Charles D, Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis M (2014). Social Exclusion, Shopping and Well Being: A three - shopping channel approach. 2014 Shopper Marketing & Pricing Conference.

  85. Dermentzi E, Papagiannidis S (2014). Use of ICT for Research Dissemination and Stakeholder Engagement. 19th UKAIS Conference on Information Systems.

  86. Palamida E, Papagiannidis S, Xanthopoulou D, Trainer G (2014). From University entrepreneurial education to venture creation intentions: The role of autonomous motivation and autonomy support. European Academy of Management (EURAM) 2014 Conference.

  87. Dermentzi E, Osorio C, Papagiannidis S, Yannopoulou N (2014). Exploring academics? intention to adopt Social Networking Sites for engagement and impact. British Academy of Management 2014 Conference.

  88. Dennis C, Alamanos E, Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis M (2014). Investigating the effect of retail operations on consumer's social inclusion and wellbeing. British Academy of Management 2014 Conference.

  89. Papagiannidis S, Gebka B, Gertner D, Stahl F (2014). Longitudinally studying the diffusion of web technologies. Second Pan IIM ? World Management Conference.

  90. Osorio C, Papagiannidis S (2014). Main factors for joining new social networking sites. First International Conference on HCI in Business (HCIB 2014). Vol. 8527, pp. 221-232.

  91. 2013

  92. Alshamaileh Y, Papagiannidis S, Stamati T (2013). Cloud computing adoption in Greece. 18th UKAIS Conference on Information Systems.

  93. Xanthopoulou D, Lemonaki R, Stamati T, Papagiannidis S (2013). The Crossover of Task Performance and Work Engagement: A Study among Leaders and their Subordinates. 16th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology.

  94. Papagiannidis S, Manika D (2013). Social media and political participation in Greece during the financial crisis. 42nd European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC).

  95. Palamida E, Papagiannidis S, Xanthopoulou D (2013). Analysing individuals? investment intentions: An application of the extended Theory of Planned Behaviour model in the Greek context. European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM).

  96. Manika D, Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis M (2013). The effects of a CEO's YouTube apology for service failure on customer's behavioural intentions.. British Academy of Management Conference.

  97. Roelofse E, Pereira JC, Yannopoulou N, Papagiannidis S (2013). Clan Marketing: Tribal marketing and the implications for retaining and recruiting members for a social enterprise . 12th International Colloquium on Nonprofit, Arts, Heritage, and Social Marketing.

  98. 2012

  99. Alshamaileh Y, Papagiannidis S, Li F (2012). Cloud Computing Adoption: An exploratory Study. 8th International Conference on Web Infromation Systems and Technologies (WEBIST).

  100. Palamida E, Papagiannidis S, Xanthopoulou D, Stamati T (2012). Revisiting the skills brokerage business model: An application to the Greek Financial Crisis. British Academy of Management Annual Conference.

  101. Papagiannidis S, Stamati T, Behr H (2012). Social Media and Politics: Engaging and Influencing voters. British Academy of Management Annual Conference.

  102. Palamida E, Papagianindis S, Xantopoulou D, Stamati T (2012). Predicting entrepreneurial team formation intentionality: Applying the Theory of Planned Behaviour. Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business.

  103. Palamida E, Papagiannidis S, Xanthopoulou D (2012). Studying entrepreneurial team formation from an individual perspective: The role of human, social, financial capital and motives.. 14th International Behavioral Ecology Congress (ISBE).

  104. 2011

  105. Xanthopoulou D, Papagiannidis S (2011). Play Online, Work Better? Spillover of Active Learning and Transformational Leadership. European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology.

  106. Papagiannidis S; Palamida E; Xanthopoulou D (2011). Brokering skills for well-being. British Academy of Management.

  107. Papagiannidis S; Osorio C (2011). Towards understanding micro-social networks. British Academy of Management.

  108. 2010

  109. Papagiannidis S, Coursaris C, Bourlakis M (2010). Do web sites affect voting decisions? Exploring the findings from two general elections in Greece. British Academy of Management 2010 Conference.

  110. King A, Stahl F, Papagiannidis S (2010). Using the Internet Archive for measuring web site change: A methodology. Annual London Business Research Conference.

  111. 2009

  112. Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis MA (2009). Experiencing metaverse retailing: A glimpse of the future?. IABE-2009 Greece Summer Conference.

  113. Papagiannidis S, Appleby S (2009). An evaluation of online video services. British Academy of Management 2009 Conference.

  114. Kraus S, Papagiannidis S, Fink M (2009). Publikationspräferenzen und -leistungen deutschsprachiger Entrepreneurship-Forscher - Eine vorläufige Analyse anhand des VHB Jourqual 2008-Rankings (Publication Preferences and Performance of German-speaking Entrepreneurship Researchers - A Preliminary Analysis on the Basis of the VHB Jourqual 2008 Ranking). 13th Annual Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship Conference.

  115. 2008

  116. Li F, Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis M (2008). Living in ?Multiple Spaces?: MMORPGS and their Business Implications. Academy of Management Conference.

  117. Papagiannidis S, Coursaris C (2008). An examination of candidate Web sites as a political campaigning tool in the 2007 Greek national elections. British Academy of Management 2008 Conference.

  118. Bourlakis MA, Papagiannidis S (2008). Examining the intertwined spatial relationships in food retailing: The case of Second Life. 2nd International European Forum on System Dynamics.

  119. 2007

  120. Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis MA (2007). The Consumer Ethics of the Virtual Environment: An Aetiology. IRMA International Conference. pp. 156-158.

  121. Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis MA, Vafopoulos M (2007). Banking in Second Life: Marketing Opportunities and Repercussions. Paper presented at the 1st Biannual International Conference: Strategic Developments in Services Marketing.

  122. Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis MA, Li F (2007). From E-retailing to Meta-retailing: Evolution or Revolution?. British Academy of Management Conference.

  123. 2006

  124. Berry J, Papagiannidis S (2006). Technology: promise or threat? The digitisation of the music industry supply chain. Logistics Research Network.

  125. 2005

  126. Petchey T, Papagiannidis S (2005). The impact of the Internet on small independent record labels: an exploratory study. 5th WSEAS International Conference on Distant Learning and Web Engineering.

  127. Papagiannidis S, Bex A (2005). Entrepreneurial E-Business Development: Mercenary Risk Theory. 5th WSEAS International Conference on Distant Learning and Web Engineering.

  128. 2004

  129. Papagiannidis S, Berry J, Li F (2004). Possible impact and implications of Internet Protocol 6 on Television Broadcasts. 27th ISBA Conference.

Funded Projects

Total Funding: £1.7m


  • Research: National EdgeAI Hub
    The EPSRC National Edge Artificial Intelligence Hub will deliver world class fundamental research, co-created with stakeholders from other disciplines and regions, to protect the quality of data and quality of learning associated with Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms when they are subjected to cyber attacks in the Edge Computing (EC) environments.
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (Co-I)
    Funder: EPSRC
    Duration: 02/2024 - 01/2029
    Budget: £11,999,971

  • 2023

  • Consultancy: Arrow: Fit Training International
    Business Development
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (PI)
    Funder: UK Shared Prosperity Fund
    Duration: 12/2023 - 02/2024
    Budget: £1,150

  • Consultancy: Arrow: Living Archives
    Business Development
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (PI)
    Funder: European Regional Development Fund (ERDC)
    Duration: 01/2023 - 03/2203
    Budget: £4,078

  • 2022

  • Research: NIA Northern Gas Network
    Customer Energy Village
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (PI) , Prof Diana Gregory-Smith (Co-I)
    Funder: NGN
    Duration: 08/2022 - 01/2024
    Budget: £293,026

  • Consultancy: Arrow: Easibathe
    Business Development
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (PI)
    Funder: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
    Duration: 07/2022 - 08/2022
    Budget: £3,983

  • Research: Strategic Innovation Fund
    Critical factors for the adoption of smart homes for energy efficiency: implications for consumers and providers
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (PI) , Prof Diana Gregory-Smith (Co-I)
    Funder: OFGEM
    Duration: 03/2022 - 04/2022
    Budget: £55,394

  • Consultancy: Arrow: Mucckle
    Business Development
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (PI)
    Funder: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
    Duration: 01/2022 - 03/2022
    Budget: £4,073

  • Consultancy: Arrow: Audemic
    Business Development
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (PI)
    Funder: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
    Duration: 01/2022 - 03/2022
    Budget: £4,000

  • Consultancy: Arrow: Grapesoftware
    Business Development
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (PI)
    Funder: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
    Duration: 01/2022 - 03/2022
    Budget: £3,921

  • Research: Innovation Fund
    The Fair Water project, led by Northumbrian Water alongside partners including National Energy Action, Northern Gas Networks, Newcastle University and Procter & Gamble, aims to test and develop more effective and sustainable water and energy solutions for people’s homes – including those on low-incomes, the elderly and vulnerable – to find tailored solutions to reducing carbon through energy and water efficiency.
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis , Prof Diana Gregory-Smith
    Funder: OFWAT
    Duration: 01/2022 - 12/2025
    Budget: £3,800,000

  • 2021

  • Research: QR Strategic Priorities Fund
    Mapping the digital sector in the North East of England using a novel big data / web mining approach
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (PI)
    Funder: Research England (Faculty Allocation)
    Duration: 01/2021 - 03/2021
    Budget: £13,987

  • Research: Smart cities in Jordan: A triple helix study
    Smart cities opportunities and challenges
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (PI)
    Funder: Government of Jordan
    Duration: 01/2021 - 12/2021
    Budget: £14,990

  • 2020

  • Consultancy: Arrow: Scientistt
    Business Development
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (PI)
    Funder: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
    Duration: 07/2020 - 08/2020
    Budget: £3,422

  • Consultancy: Arrow: PlayMaker Solutions
    Business development
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (PI)
    Funder: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
    Duration: 06/2020 - 07/2020
    Budget: £6,756

  • Capacity Building: Data-science workshops
    Organise three data-science workshops for doctoral students with QMUL and Coventry University.
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (PI)
    Funder: Society for the Advancement of Management Studies & BAM Ebusiness and Egovernment SIG
    Duration: 03/2020 - 03/2021
    Budget: £5,750

  • Capacity Building: Theory Hub: Creating an online theory resource
    Theories are formulated to explain, predict, and understand phenomena and, in many cases, to challenge and extend existing knowledge within the limits of critical bounding assumptions. In social sciences, theories are typically taught as part of modules or utilised in research dissertations. Still despite the opportunities that students have to engage with theories, their exposure is relatively narrow and confined to widely-used theories. Following experiences of teaching/supervision and interaction with PGR and PGT students, this project's aim is to create an online TheoryHub that covers a wide range of theories and act as a starting point for theory exploration in different research and T&L contexts.
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (PI)
    Funder: Newcastle University Business School
    Duration: 01/2020 - 09/2020
    Budget: £3,450

  • 2019

  • Engagement: Mapping and Facilitating the IoT Ecosystem
    The aim of this project is to extend a national IoT database, study the adoption barriers for IoT growth and support companies in the region by facilitating interactions among them.
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (PI) , Prof Eleftherios Alamanos (Co-I) , (Co-I)
    Funder: Research England
    Duration: 04/2019 - 02/2021
    Budget: £54,589

  • Research: Big Data-based Identification and Mapping of Temporal Dynamics of Industrial Clusters
    This research will develop an evidence based empirical framework for the identification and detection of evolution of industrial clusters over time.
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (PI)
    Funder: Office of National Statistics
    Duration: 04/2019 - 12/2013
    Budget: £4,425

  • Consultancy: Arrow: ActivCare
    Assessing opportunity related to developing new services
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (PI) , (Co-I)
    Funder: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
    Duration: 02/2019 - 03/2019
    Budget: £3,238

  • 2018

  • Research: Privacy-Aware Cloud Ecosystems (PACE)
    Many people using cloud computing services often entrust their data and identity without realising that service providers may share the data with other services, such as analytics and advertisers. This is likely to be greatly exacerbated by the expansion of internet-connected devices. This interdisciplinary project aims to address challenges facing the capacity of users to give informed consent to the use, sharing and re-purposing of data through a mobile software ‘container’ that will securely log all access instances, thereby improving transparency, creating an audit trail of providers and facilitating greater trust between users and service providers. The project, involving Cardiff University, Newcastle University and UCL, will develop novel computational methods to better ensure that cloud providers can enhance data privacy and will provide the basis for conforming to recently-introduced General Data Protection Regulation requirements.
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (Co-I)
    Funder: EPSRC
    Duration: 06/2018 - 06/2021
    Budget: £1,145,552

  • Research: Smart Homes
    Studying acceptance and dissonance in a Smart Home setting
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (PI)
    Funder: Newcastle University Business School
    Duration: 04/2018 - 07/2018
    Budget: £1,250

  • Research: Knowledge Transfer Partnership
    Digitally transforming the company through branding and co-creation
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (PI) , (Co-I)
    Funder: Innovate UK
    Duration: 04/2018 - 04/2020
    Budget: £137,099

  • Impact: Creative Fuse Innovation Project: Skills Match
    Brokering of human and social capital
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (Co-I)
    Funder: Creative Fuse
    Duration: 02/2018 - 06/2018
    Budget: £4,750

  • 2017

  • T&L: Teaching Development Grant 2016-19 (Larger-Scale Collaborative Project)
    An Online Competitive and Collaborative-based Approach for Developing Multi-Disciplinary and Internationalised Learning Experience
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (PI)
    Funder: HK Poly
    Duration: 09/2017 - 09/2019
    Budget: £60,190

  • 2016

  • Research: North East Fuse
    Map the art business clusters
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis
    Funder: Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC)
    Duration: 03/2016 - 09/2018

  • 2015

  • Capacity Building: British Academy of Management E-business and E-government SIG Doctoral/ ECR Workshops
    Organise 5 doctoral and early career research workshops on e-business and e-government
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (PI)
    Funder: Society for the Advancement of Management Studies & Universities
    Duration: 11/2015 - 11/2014
    Budget: £11,500

  • T&L: ULTSEC Innovation Fund: Strategic projects
    CrowdSkills online platform
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (PI)
    Funder: Newcastle University
    Duration: 06/2015 - 06/2016
    Budget: £6,060

  • 2014

  • Research: Post-retirement entrepreneurship
    Study the psychological process that determines post-retirement entrepreneurial intention
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (PI)
    Funder: Newcastle University Institute of Social Renewal
    Duration: 12/2014 - 06/2015
    Budget: £1,250

  • Research: Enhancing the online brand experience
    Research Fund application.
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (PI)
    Funder: Newcastle University Business School
    Duration: 03/2014 - 06/2014
    Budget: £1,000

  • Engagement: Engage CMS
    Create an online engagement platform.
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis
    Funder: Newcastle University Enterprise Activity Support Fund
    Duration: 03/2014 - 07/2014
    Budget: £25,000

  • 2013

  • Research: Research and Engagement Projects on Social RenewalEngagement Projects on Social Renewal
    5 projects funded on research and engagement related to Social Renewal
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (PI)
    Funder: Newcastle University Institute of Social Renewal
    Duration: 06/2013 - 07/2013
    Budget: £4,350

  • Research: Research Internships
    The user of space by a social enterprise / Social media and engagement
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (PI)
    Funder: Newcastle University Business School
    Duration: 06/2013 - 08/2013
    Budget: £3,000

  • 2012

  • Research: Research Internships
    Web Site Change: Studying the diffusion of Internet technologies
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (PI)
    Funder: Newcastle University Business School
    Duration: 04/2012 - 07/2012
    Budget: £3,000

  • 2010

  • Research: Virtual reality experiment
    Study experimentally 3D product authenticity
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (PI)
    Funder: Newcastle University
    Duration: 09/2010 - 08/2011
    Budget: £3,000

  • T&L: Teaching and Innovation Fund Award
    Online research methods module
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (PI)
    Funder: Newcastle University
    Duration: 04/2010 - 02/2011
    Budget: £4,500

  • 2009

  • Consultancy: Business Voucher Scheme
    To improve the online presence and services of a local SME.
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (PI)
    Funder: Newcastle University
    Duration: 10/2009 - 01/2010
    Budget: £4,000

  • T&L: Teaching and Innovation Fund Award
    Delivery of online taster courses
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (PI)
    Funder: Newcastle University
    Duration: 10/2009 - 04/2009
    Budget: £5,000

  • 2008

  • Research: Research Fellowship
    Online video services
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (PI)
    Funder: British Telecoms
    Duration: 11/2008 - 02/2009
    Budget: £4,500

  • 2006

  • T&L: HASS Faculty Teaching Fellowship
    Develop a management information system to facilitate institutional assessment strategies.
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (PI)
    Funder: Newcastle University
    Duration: 10/2006 - 03/2007
    Budget: £12,000

  • Engagement: Online platform
    Working with BAM Council and BAM Executive to specify, design, develop and implement an online resource portal for the British Academy of Management.
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (Co-I)
    Funder: British Academy of Management
    Duration: 03/2006 - 09/2006
    Budget: £15,000

  • 2005

  • Research: Knowledge Transfer Partnership
    To map and re-engineer the company's key business processes and put in place the supporting IT and e-business systems in order to improve competitiveness and customer services and reduce costs and lead-time.
    People: Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (Co-I)
    Funder: DTI, ESRC
    Duration: 06/2005 - 06/2007
    Budget: £99,044

  • Research Tag Cloud